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Our Results

Whatever your dream university is, we can help you highlight your unique strengths and make that dream a reality. Take a closer look at our past results.

received offers to at least one top 25 US University
received offers to at least 1 top 15 UK Universities
more likely to receive offers to top 20 US colleges with IvyPrep
approx more likely to receive offers to Oxbridge with IvyPrep

Global average at approx 17%

Offers to Top 50 US Universities
Offers to Top 20 UK Universities

IvyPrep students are more likely to get into top US and UK universities than the average global applicant. Here are our stats.

United States Universities

University Average Admission Rate IvyPrep Student Admission Rate
Columbia University 4% 27%
University of Pennsylvania 7% 24%
Dartmouth College 6% 23%
Cornell University 7% 19%
Princeton University 6% 13%
Brown University 5% 8%
Stanford University 4% 7%
University of Chicago 5% 20%
Duke University 6% 46%
Northwestern University 7% 33%
Johns Hopkins University 7% 20%
University of California--Los Angeles 9% 25%
University of California--Berkeley 11% 43%
Carnegie Mellon University 11% 29%
Washington University in St. Louis 12% 50%
University of Southern California 12% 44%
New York University 12% 30%
Georgia Institute of Technology 17% 29%
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 18% 29%
University of California--San Diego 24% 65%
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 45% 78%
University of Washington--Seattle 48% 75%

United Kingdom Universities

University Average Admission Rate IvyPrep Student Admission Rate
Cambridge University 17% 62%
Oxford University 15% 67%
London School of Economics 17% 73%
Imperial College London 26% 73%
University College London 29% 89%
Kings College London 55% 84%

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